
1st EUnetHTA Joint Action Plenary Assembly meeting

1st EUnetHTA Joint Action Plenary Assembly meeting

The three-year work plan, stakeholder involvement, elections of the three Executive Committee members (term 2010-2011) and long-term strategy for the European collaboration on HTA was on the agenda of the first meeting of the EUnetHTA Joint Action Plenary Assembly held in Ljubljana on May 20-21, 2010.

During the meeting the EUnetHTA Partners endorsed the 3-year Work Plan for the EUnetHTA Joint Action (comprised of the individual Work Package 3-year work plans) and adopted the Standard Operating Procedures manual with the procedures supporting the implementation of the Grant Agreement with EAHC.

Three members were elected to the Executive Committee – NICE, UKNOKC, Norway and SNHTA, Switzerland.

The composition of the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum  was discussed. According to the EUnetHTA’s Governance and Management Principles each stakeholder group will have 4 seats available for representation of the interests of the stakeholders of the respective group. Having recognised a sustained interest from the eligible applicants the EUnetHTA Plenary Assembly decided

–          the composition of the Industry group – EFPIAEUCOMEDEGA and COCIR

–          the eligible organisation that were approved for participation in the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum but were not selected for the final list of representatives for their respective stakeholder group will receive all the information/documentation that is circulated to the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum members during the EUnetHTA Joint Action 2010-2012

–          the non-selected eligible organisations can provide their comments in writing on the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum documents through the organisations that are members of the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum to represent the respective stakeholder groups

–          the selected organisations will be requested to communicate the views of the non-selected organisations to the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum

Considering the relative proximity of the interests between the organisations and the ways of practically organise the work, EUnetHTA Plenary Assembly suggested that a contact is established between those organisations that were selected to have a seat and those eligible organisations that were not selected.

Full list of the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum eligible applicants

  • AESGP, The Association of the European Self-Medication Industry
  • AIM, Association Internationale de la Mutualité (International Association of Mutual benefit societies)
  • BEUC The European Consumers’ Organisation
  • COCIR, European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry
  • CPME, Standing Committee of European Doctors
  • ECPC, European Cancer Patient Coalition
  • EDMA, European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association,
  • EFNA, European Federation of Neurological Associations
  • EFPIA, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations,
  • EGA, European Generic Medicines Association,
  • EPF, European Patients’ Forum
  • ESIP, European Social Insurance Platform,
  • EUCOMED, Medical Technology
  • EuropaBio, European Association of Bioindustries
  • EURORDIS European Rare Diseases Organisation
  • GIRP,  The European Association of Pharmaceutical Full-line Wholesalers
  • HOPE, European Hospital and Healthcare Federation,
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