This document consists of Appendices 1-9 for WP7 under the JA1 Final Technical Report:
1. WP7 Strand A+B meeting minutes, Dublin, 2010
2. WP7 Dublin meeting presentation of Strand B
3. WP7 Strand A+B meeting minutes, Malta, 2011
4. WP7 Malta meeting presentation of Strand B
5. WP7 Strand A+B meeting minutes, Rome, 2011
6. WP7 Rome meeting presentation of Strand B
7. WP7 Strand A+B meeting minutes, Vienna, 2012
8. WP7 Vienna meeting presentation of Strand B
9. Poster on selection/ criteria presented at HTAi 2012 in Bilbao
NOTE: For the full Technical Report, please follow this link.