
[CLOSED] Public consultation on the Position paper on how to best formulate research recommendations for primary research arising from HTA reports.

[CLOSED] Public consultation on the Position paper on how to best formulate research recommendations for primary research arising from HTA reports.

Deadline extended – Public consultation on the Position paper on how to best formulate research recommendations for primary research arising from HTA reports.

In order to gather as much feedback as possible, WP7 Subgroup 2 has decided to extend the public consultation period on the position paper on how to best formulate research recommendations until June 11th.

Objective of the position paper

This document is one of two WP7 SG2 methodological documents aiming to help HTA authors/systematic reviewers in defining their recommendations for Additional Evidence Generation.

It is focusing on providing a structured approach for the identification of research gaps and improving the presentation of research recommendations arising from HTA reports.

Consultation documents

1) Draft “Position paper on how to best formulate research recommendations”

2) Table of comments Form.

How to submit your comments?

Please provide your comments on the draft by using the table of comments form, and forward it byJune 11th 2015 to WP7 SG2 coordinator
The sender should indicate if he/she submits the comments as an individual or on behalf of an organization.

If you wish to draw our attention to published literature, please supply the full reference.

The authors are unable to accept:

– Comments that are not in English
>– Comments received after the consultation deadline

– Comments that are not provided via the table of comments Form

– Confidential information or other material that you would not wish to be made public.

What will happen to your comments?

  1. All comments will be formally responded to in a combined document, which will be posted on the EUnetHTA website once the Position paper is finalized. This document will also contain the names of persons/organizations that properly submitted contributions. 
  2. No action will be taken upon receipt of late comments.
  3. You should receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your email with comments.  If you do not receive this acknowledgement, please contact the coordinator to ensure your comments have been safely received.



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