EMA and EUnetHTA meet in London on May 8, 2015

Following the agreed schedule of biannual meetings between EUnetHTA and the EMA, the next meeting is held tomorrow (May 8, 2015) in London The final draft agenda for the meeting is available here. The minutes of the meeting will be made publicly available on the EMA-EUnetHTA cooperation page.

[CLOSED] Public consultation on the Position paper on how to best formulate research recommendations for primary research arising from HTA reports.

Deadline extended – Public consultation on the Position paper on how to best formulate research recommendations for primary research arising from HTA reports. In order to gather as much feedback as possible, WP7 Subgroup 2 has decided to extend the public consultation period on the position paper on how to best formulate research recommendations until June […]

Version 2.1 of the HTA Core Model® available

WP8 has published the final version 2.1 of the HTA Core Model®. It is available for HTA projects within the HTA Core Model® Online at www.corehta.info. All contents are also available as a pdf document, find it here. Version 2.1 contains a completely updated legal domain and several changes to the HTA ontology. Key changes […]

[CLOSED] Public consultation of the draft methodological guideline “Internal validity of non-randomised studies (NRS) on interventions”

We are pleased to announce that as of today, 20 April, 2015, the draft methodological guideline “Internal validity of non-randomised studies (NRS) on interventions”, produced within WP7 – Subgroup 3, has entered the public consultation phase. This consultation will take place between 20 April and 15 May 2015. Objective of the methodological guideline EUnetHTA´s methodological […]

WP5 Strand A – Procedure Manual V4 is available

The fourth version of the Procedure Manual has been compiled, incorporating comments received from Strand A members and the Stakeholder Advisory Group of WP5. This document describes processes planned for conducting pilot rapid assessments for pharmaceuticals. Since the Procedure Manual is a living document, further changes can be expected due to experiences gathered throughout JA2. […]

Scientific needs of HTA – methodological issues requiring further research attention

Further development of HTA methodologies is a must if HTA shall stay relevant and continue to be the contemporary approach to inform decision-making in healthcare. EUnetHTA was established to create an effective and sustainable network for HTA across Europe – we work together to develop reliable, timely, transparent and transferable information to contribute to HTAs in European […]

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