JA1 Technical Report – WP6: Appendices 2-8
This document consists of Appendices 2-8 for WP6 under the JA1 Final Technical Report: 2. WP6_Communication_ 2010 HTAi Conference Standards 3. WP6_Communication_ 2010 HTAi Conference workshop 4. WP6_Communication_ 2011 EUnetHTA Conference 5. WP6_Communication_ 2012 HTAi Conference POP database dev 6. WP6_Communication_ 2012 HTAi Conference workshop 7. WP6_Communication_ 2012 HTAi Conference_nominated 8. WP6_Communication_ 2012 INAHTA annual meeting NOTE: […]
JA1 Technical Report – WP6: Appendix 1
This document is Appendix 1 for WP6 under the JA1 Final Technical Report: WP6_Communication_ 2010 HTAi Conference KM concept NOTE: For the full Technical Report, please follow this link. WP6 Appendix 1
JA1 Technical Report – WP2: Appendices 1-3
This document consists of Appendices 1-3 for WP2 under the JA1 Final Technical Report: 1. WP2 e-meeting summary, June 11, 2012 2. EUnetHTA Conference Banner -300×600 3. LinkedIn-proposal__20110810 NOTE: For the full Technical Report, please follow this link. WP2_Appendices 1-3
JA1 Technical Report – WP4: Appendices 7, 8 & 10
This document consists of Appendices 7, 8 and 10 for WP4 under the JA1 Final Technical Report: 7. HTA Core Model Online Tool and Service basic features 8. Policy for HTA Core Model and core HTA information Appendix 9 (HTA Core Model for Screening Technologies), please follow this link. 10. WP4 working groups NOTE: For […]
EUnetHTA JA1 Final Technical Report
This report is the Final Technical Report on the Implementation of the European network for Health Technology Assessment Joint Action 1 (2010-2012) delivered by the Co-ordinator, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority (DHMA) to the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC). Please find the full final JA1 Technical Report attached at the bottom of this page. Please […]
Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm Screening (AAA)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a pathological focal dilatation of the abdominal stem artery. AAA rupture is a dramatic emergency condition with a high risk of death. The editors of this joint assessment are Agenas, Italy and NOKC, Norway and the editorial team consists of LBI-HTA, Austria; GÖG, Austria, ISCIII-AETS, Spain; NOKC, Norway; THL-FINOHTA, Finland, […]
A new application of the HTA Core Model – the HTA Core Model for Rapid Relative Effectiveness Assessment of pharmaceuticals
The HTA Core Model defines the content elements to be considered in a health technology assessment (HTA) and facilitates standardised reporting. The aim is to share information, to avoid duplication of work, and to facilitate the adaptation of information in national HTA reports and the co-production of HTA reports (by multiple HTA agencies). Detailed information […]
Methodological guideline for REA of pharmaceuticals: Direct and indirect comparison
To make the best use of available evidence on the efficacy of a treatment, it is common to combine results from several randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in a meta-analysis. This guideline focuses on the methods available for treatment comparisons. Their strengths and limitations are discussed and recommendations are provided in order to support Relative Effectiveness […]
Methodological guideline for REA of pharmaceuticals: Criteria for the choice of the most appropriate comparator(s)
This document provides a summary of current national policies and best practice recommendations for HTA assessors for selecting the most appropriate comparator for relative effectiveness assessments. The comparator in a relative effectiveness assessment (REA) is a health care intervention or other technology with which a pharmaceutical is compared in order to establish if it has […]
Methodological guideline for REA of pharmaceuticals: Health-related quality of life
This guideline provides a set of recommendations for the selection and assessment of Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) when completing a Relative Effectiveness Assessment (REA) of pharmaceuticals. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is often considered to be an important endpoint of health care interventions. Because improvement in HRQoL is highly subjective, it does not necessarily […]