Report on e-learning production

In order to provide the necessary information about the EUnetHTA tools and methods to more partners at a reduced cost compared to the face-to-face training courses, the production of video e-learning material was considered. This report summarises our experience and provides recommendations for the future production of EUnetHTA e-learning material. Report on e-learning production – […]

Report on Information Management Infrastructure and Services

Since its inception in 2006, EUnetHTA has developed several IT tools. Work Package 6 of Joint Action 2, “Information Management Infrastructure and Services”, provided the Website, the Intranet and the Planned and Ongoing Projects database (POP DB) and the associated services (support, training, management). WP6 also acted as a forum for developers the other tools […]

Report on yearly training courses on EUnetHTA tools and methodology

Since 2006, EUnetHTA has developed several tools and methods to facilitate joint production of HTAs. To implement and make sure the tools and methods are put into practice, Partners and Stakeholders received training in order to know how to utilise them. This report summarises the evaluations of the face-to-face training courses provided by JA2 WP2. […]

Procedure Manual Strand B: Rapid Assessments of other health technologies such as medical devices, surgical interventions or diagnostics

This document is the Procedure Manual for Rapid Relative Effectiveness Assessments of other health technologies such as medical devices, surgical interventions or diagnostics, produced by EUnetHTA JA2 WP5 Strand B. This Manual guides the production of rapid assessments of other health technologies, including process descriptions, suggested project timelines, working instructions for authors, a detailed description […]

Methodological Standards and Procedures for full/comprehensive Core HTA’s

The aim of this document is to guide the production of full Core HTA information based on collaboration of different European organizations using the EUnetHTA available tools. The content of the guidance is primarily practical, relying on the experience gained during JA1 and JA2. The document is updated accordingly with ongoing experience and changes in […]

Joint EMA-EUnetHTA press release April 14, 2016

European Medicines Agency and EUnetHTA reviewed outcomes of the 3-year cooperation. Please find below the joint EUnetHTA-EMA press release. FINAL _Press release_ joint_EMA_EUnetHTA_on report on work plan 2012-2015

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