EUnetHTA Position Paper on research recommendations for AEG

This document aims to help HTA authors/systematic reviewers define more specific recommendations for Additional Evidence Generation (AEG) – primary research arising from HTA. It provides a graphical approach for the identification of research gaps arising from HTA reports, and structures the formulation of subsequent research recommendations. Both real life uncertainties and those related to the […]

EUnetHTA Position Paper on study design for AEG

This document aims to help HTA authors/systematic reviewers define more specific recommendations for Additional Evidence Generation (AEG) – primary research arising from HTA. It discusses the role of the HTA author/systematic reviewer in specifying study design for AEG, contains an overview of EUnetHTA partners’ practices, and provides consideration of various issues around designing primary research […]

EUnetHTA Core protocol Pilot for AEG

This document consists of two parts: Methodological part (section 1), containing the template of Core protocol for AEG. This template defines which protocol items are essential to set up a common or coordinated AEG study (“core” items) and contains advice on how to fill them-in. First EUnetHTA pilot of a joint AEG recommendation (section 2). […]

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