EUnetHTA Plenary Assembly 2015 – Summary report

EUnetHTA Plenary Assembly, 28-29 May 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark . Summary report and appendices. Find the full summary report below. Appendix A_20150528-29_EUnetHTA Plenary Assembly_FINAL Appendix B_SEED_Update on ED_for PA_2015 Appendix C_HTA NETWORK_EUnetHTA PA2015_Final Appendix D_EUnetHTA approach Spanish Network Appendix E_KCE national uptake core model Appendix F_Stakeholder Lessons learned Appendix G_Group 1 Appendix H_Group 2 Appendix I_Group […]

EUnetHTA methodological guideline – Methods for health economic evaluations

The methodological guideline on “Methods for health economic evaluations” was developed by WP7, Subgroup 3. The work with the present guideline was initiated to set a general framework for EUnetHTA on how to conduct economic evaluations as well as to increase the transferability of economic evaluations among EUnetHTA partners. This is especially important in order […]

EUnetHTA Evidence Submission Template

The EUnetHTA Submission Template is a flexible tool that reflects all national evidence requirements for reimbursement in Europe. The inclusion of all national requirements means that the template can be broadly applied to national and/or joint assessment. The adaptation process must include tailoring the tool’s content to either national HTA processes or joint processes to […]

EUnetHTA and MedTech industry expert meeting, summary of discussion

The meeting took place on October 16, 2015 at Eucomed / EDMA offices in Brussels, Belgium with participants coming from organisations-members of Eucomed, EDMA, COCIR (EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum Members) and EUnetHTA. 20151016_EUnetHTA MedicalTechnology Expert meeting_SummaryFinal Anna Nachtnebel – MedTech Expert meeting 2015-10-16 Claudia Wild – MedTech Expert meeting 2015-10-16 François Meyer – MedTech Expert meeting […]

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