JA1 Technical Report – WP1: Appendix 1

This document is Appendix 1 for WP1 under the JA1 Final Technical Report: “WP1/Exec Comm f-t-f meeting summary, April 18-19, 2012, Rome, Italy” Please note that within this appendix, you will find references to its own set of 9 annexes. These are all included in the document attached below. NOTE: For the full Technical Report, […]

JA1 Technical Report – WP1: Appendices 4-8

This document consists of Appendices 4-8 for WP1 under the JA1 Final Technical Report: 4. EUnetHTA-EMA f-t-f meeting summary, February 11, 2010, London, UK 5. EUnetHTA-EMA f-t-f meeting summary, June 3, 2010, London, UK 6. EUnetHTA-EMA f-t-f meeting summary, March 7, 2011, Diemen, Netherlands 7. EUnetHTA-EMA f-t-f meeting summary, February 22, 2012, Paris, France 8. […]

Internal Evaluation Report, January 2013

This is an internal evaluation report written by Dr Eleanor Guegan and Andrew Cook, NIHR Evaluation Studies and Trials Coordinating Centre, UK. This document is part of the JA1 Final Technical Report as Deliverable “D11 Internal Evaluation Report of the EUnetHTA JA from WP3”. NOTE: For the full Technical Report, please follow this link Internal […]

HTA Core Model Terms of Use Version 1.1

This new version of the terms of use contains key principles relevant to HTA Core Model users. Version 1.1 replaces the first version produced in 2008. The new version contains two licenses, one for non-commercial use and another for commercial use. It is the first ToU to allow also commercial use. As of July 2013, […]

Second pilot rapid assessment on ‘Renal denervation systems for treatment-resistant hypertension’

The purpose of the assessment is to assess the effectiveness and safety of renal denervation systems for patients who suffer from treatment-resistant hypertension compared to standard of care (no treatment, additional pharmacological treatment, device-based hypertension therapy and sham treatment). Final version of the assessment was published in December 2013 Below is the documentation provided by […]

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