EUnetHTA-EFPIA Framework for Collaboration

EUnetHTA and EFPIA are pleased to announce that they have agreed to closely collaborate to facilitate the involvement of pharmaceutical companies in the pilot work in Joint Action 2. A joint advisory working group will discuss how to facilitate continuous process improvements, so that the pilots can best address the viability and usefulness and the […]

EUnetHTA Joint Action 2 3-year Work plan (2013)

The EUnetHTA Joint Action 2 3-Year Work Plan lays out details and timelines of the activities planned in each of the eight Work Packages of EUnetHTA JA2 and guides the work of EUnetHTA throughout 2012-2015. The EUnetHTA Executive Committee monitors the implementation of the Work Plan and discusses if any prospective amendments need to be […]

JA1 Technical Report – WP8: Appendix 3

This document is Appendix  3 for WP8 under the JA1 Final Technical Report: SF-Executive Committee ftf meeting summary, September 2012, Venice, Italy Please note that within this appendix, you will find references to its own set of 9 annexes. These are all included in the document attached below. NOTE: For the full Technical Report, please follow this […]

JA1 Technical Report – WP8: Appendix 2

This document is Appendix 2 for WP8 under the JA1 Final Technical Report: SF-Executive Committee ftf meeting summary, May 2011, Brussels, Belgium NOTE: For the full Technical Report, please follow this link.  WP8 Appendix 2

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