1st pilot rapid assessment of WP5 JA2 Strand B on “Duodenal-jejunal bypass sleeve for the treatment of obesity with or without Type II Diabetes Mellitus”

The purpose of the assessment is to examine the effectiveness and safety of the duodenal-jejunal bypass sleeve/EndoBarrier® in in adults aged 18 years or older with grade II or III obesity (with comorbidities) and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus (+ obesity ≥ grade I) who are not adequately controlled with medication (oral and/or insulin) and lifestyle […]

The first pilot rapid assessment on ‘Zostavax for the prevention herpes zoster’

The purpose of the assessment is to evaluate Zostavax® for the prevention of herpes zoster. Final version of the assessment was published in September 2013 Below is the documentation provided by the Joint Assessment authoring team: Zostavax for prevention of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia_Rapid REA_Final_Sep 2013_0.pdf

Joint EUnetHTA-EMA press release

European Medicines Agency and EUnetHTA reviewed the cooperation at our sixth meeting, 14 May 2013, London UK. The focus was on facilitation of development plans through advice procedures. Please find below the joint EUnetHTA-EMA press release. Joint EMA_EUnetHTA press release.pdf

Summary report of the SF e-meeting, 22 September, 2010

This document is the summary report of the Stakeholder Forum e-meeting, 22 September, 2010. It presents key discussion and actions points decided at this meeting. Agenda 1. Stakeholder Involvement Policy document: public consultation review with further clarification 2. Clarification of the stakeholder involvement procedure (SOP) 3. Clarification of expert involvement procedure 4. Stakeholder Forum members’ […]

Summary report of the SF e-meeting, 2 March, 2011

This document is the summary report of the Stakeholder Forum e-meeting, 2 March, 2011. It presents key discussion and actions points decided at this meeting. Agenda 1. Work in EUnetHTA JA SAGs Current and upcoming activities SAG members responsibilities and input – general principles and practice Public availability of the SAG member lists – proposal […]

Summary report of the SF e-meeting, 24 November, 2010

  This document is the summary report of the Stakeholder Forum e-meeting, 24 November, 2010. It presents key discussion and actions points decided at this meeting. Agenda Practical implementation of the Stakeholder Involvement/SAGs in WPs Efficacy and effectiveness – what is the difference? Other issues a. Draft SF activities plan 2011-2012 20101124_EUnetHTASFemeeting_summary_FINAL.pdf

Summary report of the SF e-meeting, 3 May, 2011

This document is the summary report of the Stakeholder Forum e-meeting, 3 May, 2011. It presents key discussion and actions points decided at this meeting. Agenda 1. Opening, presentation of participants 2. Update on the developments in the EUnetHTA Joint Action Presentation, Q&A 3. Current experience with stakeholder involvement in EUnetHTA Joint Action a. WP […]

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