
EUnetHTA methodological guideline – Methods for health economic evaluations

EUnetHTA methodological guideline – Methods for health economic evaluations

The methodological guideline on “Methods for health economic evaluations” was developed by WP7, Subgroup 3.

The work with the present guideline was initiated to set a general framework for EUnetHTA on how to conduct economic evaluations as well as to increase the transferability of economic evaluations among EUnetHTA partners. This is especially important in order to enhance the usefulness of economic evaluations conducted within EUnetHTA. A common guidance document may also be useful for countries that do not have a methodological guideline for health economic evaluations. The target group of the guideline is represented by health economists and health technology assessors in Europe, who either review economic evaluations that have been performed by others, or who perform de novo economic evaluations themselves, within projects of EUnetHTA.

SAG _Public_consultation_table with comments and answers_ECO-GL_finalMethods for health economic evaluations A guideline based on current practices in Europe_Guideline_Final May 2015

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