
HTA Core Model® gets an update – open for use by anyone

HTA Core Model® gets an update – open for use by anyone

EUnetHTA JA2 delivers an upgraded universal HTA Core Model for flexible application across health technologies. The updated HTA Core Model Licence and Guiding Principles on Use clarify conditions for its use by anyone

The HTA Core Model which was first introduced by EUnetHTA in 2008 has undergone further testing and development in the past 3 years. It was done through a series of piloting exercises, both in a joint assessment process performed by a group of European HTA agencies within a framework of EUnetHTA Joint Action 2 and through its use by individual HTA agencies-members of EUnetHTA.

Experience from this piloting resulted in a development of a universal HTA Core Model® and a set of Guiding principles on use laying out basic principles of the Model’s utilization in various settings. The Principles are based on open access and collaboration values supporting the Model’s main characteristic of offering a common ground to various stakeholders at any and all stages of the development of health technologies. The HTA Core Model supports assessment and communication of the technologies’  value in a consistent and transparent way to decision-makers.

The  HTACoreModel_Licence sets out terms and conditions of the Model’s global use.

The HTACoreModel is accessible free of charge and is currently available on the EUnetHTA website ( and in html, pdf and .docx formats.

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