National Implementation
What is Implementation?
Implementation is about using EUnetHTA tools and jointly produced HTA information in national, regional and local settings. The purpose of using these EUnetHTA outputs in national, regional and local settings is to avoid duplication, to promote good practices in HTA processes and to effectively use time and financial resources.
Implementation Strategy
EUnetHTA aims to enable the effective use of its joint HTA outputs to support an efficient use of HTA resources and high-quality HTA evidence-informed decision-making in Europe. Five principles underpin the strategy:
- EUnetHTA outputs should be fit for user needs.
- Users of EUnetHTA outputs should be aware of the outputs available.
- Practical support to use EUnetHTA outputs.
- Implementation activities must have appropriate regard to proposals for a permanent model of HTA cooperation.
- Uptake is regularly monitored and evaluated.
The Implementation Strategy is available HERE.
Find statistical graphics and usage maps HERE
Examples of use of EUnetHTA tools include:
- A local HTA report produced de-novo with the use of the HTA Core Model®
- A local HTA report produced with application of the EUnetHTA Adaptation Toolkit adapting one of the national/regional reports from a different country to local settings
- A local HTA report produced as the outcome of a collaboration facilitated by the EUnetHTA POP Database
- A local HTA report produced with application of or reference to one or more of the EUnetHTA Guidelines
- A local HTA report clearly describing the development process that includes usage of or reference to any of these EUnetHTA tools
Examples of using the EUnetHTA joint assessments in national, regional and local settings include:
- Summarising: A summary of the joint assessment used for background information in a local report
- Updating searches: The application of the original joint assessment search strategy to identify further recent evidence or extending/adding to the local search strategy
- Validating: Using the joint assessment to cross check evidence and validate a submission of evidence from a technology developer
- Adapting: The systematic extraction of relevant HTA information from an existing joint assessment (partly or fully)
- Adopting: The use of a joint assessment without making any changes at all in its content (except a potential translation into the national language).