SEED (Shaping European Early Dialogues for health technologies) is an international project financed by the European Commission with an objective EUnetHTA 3-year work plan to reduce the risk of production of data that would be inadequate to support the company’s future reimbursement request.
SEED aims to conduct pilots on early dialogues between its member HTA agencies and developers of health products (pharmaceuticals and medical devices) whose products are currently in the development stage. In total, ten early dialogues are planned with an aim to conduct 7 on drugs and 3 on medical devices.
The pilot dialogues to be performed by SEED will be building on the experience gained from the Early Dialogues conducted within EUnetHTA (EUnetHTA JA2 WP7)* serving as a basis for the development of two draft methodological protocols for drug and medical device Early Dialogues. These draft protocols will be submitted for commenting by EUnetHTA and the HTA Network. The SEED Consortium members are also partners in EUnetHTA Joint Action 2.
Find more information about SEED HERE
*Please see the EUnetHTA 3-year work plan page 113-136.