EUnetHTA has established links with relevant organisations, projects and initiatives in Europe and elsewhere to enhance scientific cooperation on HTA in Europe. The relevance of such initiatives and the form of EUnetHTA’s involvement in them is identified by assessing the practical added value such involvement will bring to EUnetHTA participants (please see
external initiatives management policy).
Click on each of the EUnetHTA external collaboration partners below to learn more.
EFPIA is The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations representing the research-based pharmaceutical industry operating in Europe.
EMA is the European Medicines Agency decentralised of the European Union. EMA is responsible for the scientific evaluation of medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies for use in the European Union.
EUCERD is the European Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases. (Joint Action under EU Health Programme 2008-2013)
European Patients‘ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation” (EUPATI) is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative and seeks to provide scientifically reliable, objective, comprehensive information to patients on medicines research and development.
The project AdHopHTA (Adopting Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment in EU) is granted by the EU under the 7th Framework Research Program.
The project Advance-HTA (Advancing and strengthening the methodological tools and practices relating to the application and implementation of Health Technology Assessment) is granted by the EU under the 7th Framework Research Program.
The project Integrate-HTA (Integrated health technology assessment for evaluating complex technologies) is granted by the EU under the 7th Framework Research Program.
The project MedTecHTA (Methods for Health Technology Assessment of Medical Devices: a European Perspective) is granted by the EU under the 7th Framework Research Program.
HTAi is the global scientific and professional society for all those who produce, use, or encounter HTA. HTAi embraces all stakeholders, including researchers, agencies, policymakers, industry, academia, health service providers, and patients/consumers, and acts as a neutral forum for collaboration and the sharing of information and expertise.
INAHTA, the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment, serves to facilitate cooperation and the sharing of information from different cultures on HTA.
PARENT, Cross Border PAtient REgistries iNiTiative (PARENT), is a Joint Action under the EU’s Health Programme 2008-2013.
SEED (Shaping European Early Dialogues for health technologies) is an international project financed by the European Commission with an objective to to reduce the risk of production of data that would be inadequate to support the company’s future reimbursement request.